Friday, November 05, 2004

Maybe It's Time We Impeach TEX

Nice to see the country is so united over this election. All I hear is Republicans saying, "neeyah, neeyah, neeyah" and all I see is the Democrats still rocking Kerry-Edwards buttons. The only good thing is that this election got a lot of young people active and voting. Hopefully, as the Star Tribune reported today, Tex won't spend his "credit" on passing his bullshit religious right agenda. Can this man be even remotely moderate? I do not consider his victory a mandate to do whatever he wants, because there are still around 50 million (plus the 5 Nader supporters) who DO NOT agree with no civil unions for homosexuals, and who believe that a woman's body should not be governed and it should be her right to choose. Not too mention Social Security. As someone who has a disabled relative who relies on Social Security, I do not want to see it taken out of the governments hands.

Oh, and Bill Miller in '06 for guvnor, so we can have two Guvnor Millas.

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