Monday, November 01, 2004

Kick Out The Jams Motherfuckers

Halloween '04 had quite a few amusing moments. Jesus walked and saved both myself and Jeff Hill. Cody's girlfriend flashed everyone on the porch, and it wasn't her top. Macho Man went around and hit everyone with a chair. Perverted Elvis passed out once again and macked when he was awake. I found that I have loyal readers that I didn't know about. I got spanked by a hot dirty cop. Peter and Quade showed up and the party went wild. Jen asked why some pregnant chick was walking around. Jeff kicked mailboxes and threw newspapers while screaming "EXTRA! EXTRA! Paperboy do the "Ditty" if ya want to" on the longest walk home ever. And my personal fave was when Natz put in "Kick Out The Jams", "TV Eye" and just about every Replacements song ever. Peter even requested "Gary's Got A Boner" and it got played!! The two lowpoints were that that fat goth bitch Jackie showed up and started insulting me, calling me "Rosie O'Donnell" and just talking shit. I am so glad that Jeff stole her shit. The other low point was that the keg ran out at 12 AM. There was much more partying to be done, and I wished for another keg. It didn't rank up there with the 80's party, but really, what does? The costumes were very well done, and I am glad to see I made the top 10 on Christians blog. I still think that I looked more like Andre instead of Meat Loaf, but what the hell?

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