Wednesday, August 25, 2004

We Are The Bears, Shufflin' Crew

Angie called me around 1 AM and told me that Josh was not coming along for the Chicago trip, ending all the car drama. Thank God. I am pumped that it is over. Done, next topic. For some reason when I turned on my computer, the Toast webpage was up. So I read Ted's journal. What a piece of shit, talking about his adoring fans and how one particular made him think differently about life. I wonder what 16 year old girl that was, and how many times he told her that he wasn't down for relationships. Check out the smug self indulgent prattle of all Toast members at . Funny shit. Bought the new Butch Walker (which I didn't know came out yet) and it is kinda mellow compared to Marvelous 3 or his first solo. It's pretty good on the first listen though. Oh, and last night, some drunk hot 17 year old came through the drive-thru yelling and offering passerby her fine little ass. I thought I left the trash behind at Taco Bell but I guess I was wrong. Night, y'all.

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