Wednesday, August 18, 2004

And I'd Rather Be Anywhere Else Than Here Today

Here's where the summer and the story ends. (The Sundays and Ryan Adams, respectively). Being a wide receiver for chick problems is not as bad as I thought, I can deal with it if that someone listens to me also. Scott Erickson with the Rangers? Brings me back to the summer of 1991, with the bike trips up to Sunkist Park for baseball and Peoples Plus for the 50 cent Topps and Donruss packs and the Cookies and Cream Twix (Remember those anyone?) That gets me to thinking, what happened to some products and does anyone else remember them? Barqs Red Creme was pulled for being toxic, but that shit was so damn good. Mario and Yoshi Soda (I think Shasta put it out)? Tasted like Red Apple Slice, which doesn't exist either. Nintendo Cereal System and Pac Man Cereal were awesome, but NCS tasted like pure ass. The box was hot though. Also, Twix when it was berries and Cookie Crisp with the two cops, the robber and the dog were tastier than they are today. Pineapple Sunkist, Crush and Minute Maid? The damn south gets those but we don't anymore. Does anyone else have any faves that are not around anymore?

Yanks looked like bitch ass punks tonight. Hopefully I can get tix tomorrow, as it almost sold out tonight. Why in the hell do I want to bang Avril so damn bad? I usually don't like angry chicks, but I would love to do her happy. I gots three days off at the Bucks this week, but I work Le Farm on Thursday. Shitty. ESPN Top 25 shows are so cool. Top 25 commercials are the shit. Larry Bird in a Converse ad with a bitchin cock broom is unbelievable.

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