Wednesday, May 04, 2005

You're My Summer Babe

Went to Nates for an old-fashioned bonfire, and it was good shit. Then I came home and turned on FOX Sports Net and saw that The Sports List was on. I love that show for one reason, and it is Summer Sanders. I have had a thing for her since the Barcelona Olympics (1992) when they did a piece on her and played "Somebody's Baby" when they showed the clip. I also used to watch Inside Stuff for her also. It's kind of a weird thing, but hey, she can talk her sports and also is easy on the eyes. But then again, so is Nick Bakay. Oh wait, I meant Robin Bakay. She was way too hot for a guy who played Salem the Cat on Sabrina The Teenage Witch. Nevermind, disregard the entire above entry. I have said too much.

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