Sunday, May 29, 2005

Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis

Yesterday was a weird day but elegant in its eccentricities. Quade and I decided long ago to drink and play video games. Then I got really sick. Anyways, we did go through with it and started out with a little Madden 2005 (which I obviously lost) and have a few bumps.

Then Jeff called. I challenged his already drunk ass to Tecmo Bowl and he somehow shows up after some shit talking. And the sonofabitch beats me (only 17-13, but still he was really drunk). I redeemed myself with a fantastic victory at Ken Griffey Jr baseball over Quade. Then Jeff downloaded every Easy E song ever and then ate something he called "Bob Villas Motel 8 Pizza." At some point the documentary "Dogtown and Z-Boys" got thrown in and we talked about how much ass the skaters got. Strange strange evening.

To a certain Mr. Johnson: I am the prince of OG Tecmo Bowl Jeff is the king. The NES version is way better because you cannot use Jerry Ball, the 1992 Detroit Lions or the dive play.

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