Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Unless The Pumpkin Holds Your Destiny

I just saw the American version of The Office. It was really funny. The office boss (Brick from Anchorman) was saying the most racist shit and no one did anything about it because of his stature. They were playing basketball and he told the Latino office worker that he couldn't play because he was saving him for either baseball season or if they boxed. And the receptionist chick is cute in a sort of dorky cute way. There are various levels of cute, much like the Terror Alert system. I would put her at an orange level. I have never seen the British show, but I heard that it was good. This was not as funny as Arrested Development, but it was good.

Why is it that the Inferno is way better than the new Real Worlds? It probably is because of the Miz, but I am not sure. I liked Johnny Mosely better than Dave Mirra, though. Mosely was always high as fuck. Brah, who's gonna get the Satrun, brah? He was good on SNL too, that Co-Brah Commander skit killed.

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