Sunday, March 01, 2009

Crunchy Granola Suite

The Atomic Punks are dead, long live the Atomic Punks.

Maybe it was the venue that caused my disdain for the Atomic Punks show on Saturday (Pickle Park is like an Applebees with a stage, I almost got into a fight in the Men's room with a hilljack who looked like he had AIDS) but I think it was the new lead singer. Cover bands are supposed to rock and be a rollicking good time. Especially VH cover bands. Last nights show was workmanlike and boring.

E.L.nO, on the other hand, owned Lees Liquor Lounge on Friday night with their between song banter, their Jeff Lynne wigs, and of course, their dead on Electric Light Orchestra covers. The crowd was feeling it, I was feeling it, and the band was feeling it above all else. The Jeff Lynnes know that the audience is in on the joke, unlike the Punks, who played it like they WERE Van Halen.

In other news, after coming home drunk as all getup off of shitty Miller Light and Raspberry Commies, I had a dream that I visited "the granola capital of the U.S" which was located in the region between Buffalo and Toronto. Why the US capital of granola was partly in Canada, I will never know. What the dream means, I will never know. All I know is I need to have more insane dreams like this after seeing once great cover bands. They are sort of life-affirming.

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