Wednesday, February 08, 2006

When We Make Love, Do You Look In The Mirror? Who Do You Think Of? Does He Look Like Me?

I recently went to a local Dunn Bros. for an Italian Soda (Blackberry/Strawberry). While there, I decided to check my blog for posts. Well, according to the filters at Dunn Bros, my blog is banned. I feel so much like Luther Campbell and the rest of the Crew its scary.

Not much doing lately, been working 40 a week and trying to go to class. Its hard when one of your professors only has class for ten minutes a session. So I usually don't go to that one. And I have been battling some kind of virus that destroys me at random times. I got uber sick on Monday and had to miss a pretty important class. It sucks.

I think that the Arctic Monkeys album comes out next week, so I will actually be buying something on a Tuesday for the first time since the Strokes new album came out a month ago. Where are all the new movie/CD releases?