Tuesday, November 27, 2007

You Always Bang The Whole Gang

Ah, here it is...winter. I fucking hate winter. Winter is like the 1998 NFC Championship Game coupled with the KG Trade with a sprinkling of rough gay sex thrown on top. Meaning I don't really care to experience it. The worst part about this winter is it feels really really hollow. I personally feel like I can't get excited about anything. Thanksgiving was kind of...eh? The food was good, but something felt odd. Even music seems boring right now. Maybe it is the routine of an 8 to 6 job that is sucking my will to live, or maybe its this sore throat that I have had for two weeks. It all kind of reminds me of an Atari Jaguar commercial from back in the day. The commercial showed Jag games followed by a film of two monkeys fucking with the tagline "Atari Jaguar...Nothing Seems Fun Anymore".

Done with that. I want to go see I Am Legend because Will Smith doesn't disappoint. Also, I want to eat McDonalds breakfast tomorrow morning, so I am going to go to bed soon. And I will try to update more. Sorry about the lacklusterness.

Oh, and buy Brian Eno's album "Here Come The Warm Jets"

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