Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Kyrie Elasion Down The Road That I Must Travel

I just drank three Diet Cokes and a tall coffee and I am AMPED!! I figure that this is what taking some really cheap speed feels like.

The song "Kyrie" by Mr. Mister is my new "makes me feel impervious to damage" anthem. I heard this like five minutes ago and I felt like kickin a whole bunch of white folks asses then jumping off the Washington Avenue bridge. I wouldn't get hurt at all, cause this song was playing. Then "Photograph" by Def Lep came on right after that, and I felt even more pumped. Damn, what 80s cheese can do to a soul.

Okayplayer had a post on its "Lesson" message board about the greatest Prince guitar solo, and everyone got super pissed that "I Could Never Take The Place Of Your Man" wasn't included in the official poll. I concur. This is, far and away, my favorite Prince guitar solo. And I'm pretty sure that either this or "When You Were Mine" is my favorite Prince song. It's kind of like naming a favorite Beatles or Dylan or Stones song, though. There's just so damn many to choose from.

Final note: I saw some douchecock in Subway pouring his fountain soda like it was a keg beer. I hope he avoided all that head on his Diet Coke.

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