Sunday, September 17, 2006

When I Fall In Love With You It WIll Be Forever

I just spent the last three hours drinking Honey Weiss and watching the Office. As the buzz has not worn off quite just yet, I dont know how this will turn out. I have a huge crush on the Pam character on the show. But overall, the show is comedy gold. The only office work that I have ever done was working with my friends mom over one spring break filing shit. It was a pretty boring experience, except that Verne Gagne stored the old AWA ring in the filing room. So my highlight was looking at the apron where Roddy Piper took his first falls. But anyways, as I will probably leave the retail management game behind in a few months to work in an office, I realized that I would be incredibly bored. Much as many of you reading this are right now. The only thing that could save off that boredom would be a Pam at the front desk. Or a WWF ring in the basement. Perferrably one that Bob Backlund wrestled on.

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