Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Where Have All The Bloggers Gone?

What the hell is with the hiatus of Future Rhythm?

Don't remember Saturday night. I puked all over, and I hear that Jeff ran from the cabbie. I thought that everyone ran, but I guess Nate and I stayed back to fight the good fight. One of my belt loops on my pants is ripped from behind, I lost my drivers license, and I somehow spent $60 bucks. Good birthday, though. First one that I don't remember.

I have three finals this next week, plus I work 33 hours at Starbucks and 15 at LTF, so I am going to be dead as hell. I guess I need the cash, seeing as how I haven't bought any Christmas presents yet. Nor do I have any ideas on what to buy my brothers.

I started an albums of 2005 list when I was bored in class a couple of weeks ago, so that should be up pretty soon. Just don't look for Coldplay's "X&Y" on there. Mediocre should have been the title

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