Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Hollywood Bitch, So Fake That She Seems Real

Have you ever looked at someone and deemed them worthless just by their actions? I usually do jokingly, but today I actually saw someone and said, "My lord. What a pointless excuse for a person." The person in question is a girl in my 20th Century Music class. Five-two, blonde, spray-on tan, probably about 100 pounds. She comes into class ten minutes late wearing work out shorts every day that barely cover her ass. Her cell phone rings in class during the middle of a lecture and she has the audacity to answer it. Always checking her phone. Today, she looked at her phone at least 3 times in a hour and a half class. I had the misfortune of riding a commuter bus with her, and she sat on the outside seat of an empty bus so one else would sit with her. She was wearing a skirt that was about an inch above her ass and it had a matching Dolce Gabana bag. Just a soulless look in her eyes. The bus thing was the kicker. What kind of bitch would block a seat because she was too good to sit with anyone? Her actions speak louder than words.
I hold on to things too long. I hold onto a summer crush much longer than I should. A grudge. Forget about it, they last so long that I forget what they are about. I have magazines older than some of my new co-workers. I tell the same stories about things that happened five years ago without thinking about tomorrow. Why is this? I have no idea. I often wonder, do others think like this?


Anonymous said...

Quade you're 2 posts remind me of myself, amusing, good looking and awesome

Anonymous said...

the above post was written by one J.A. Hill. P.S. I used the wrong form of your.